Part Service Restoration to Moss Vale – Monday 21st March 2022
After recent negotiations with Transport for NSW (TfNSW) Berrima Buslines is pleased to advise that a temporary compromise has been made to assist families in the Barrengarry and Kangaroo Valley areas whose students attend schools in the Southern Highlands area effective from this MONDAY 21st MARCH 2022.
Although the Barrengarry Mountain is still totally closed to all traffic safety provisions have been made for our Pigeon Bus to be able to start safely above the landslide area of Barrengarry Mountain and further safety provisions have been made for students to be able to walk through the construction area of the Mountain to be able to access the school bus. Safety fencing, temporary gazebo’s (shelters) and on-site traffic controllers will be all available to ensure students can access the bus safely.
Parents should drop their students safely at the bottom of the landslide area around 7.35am each morning to allow students enough time to walk up to the bus via the works zone. Works will be suspended during this period for extra safety of the students. The bus will depart at 7.45am sharp each morning and travel its normal route through to Moss Vale High School including usual transfer services at Moss Vale High School.
In the afternoon the Pigeon Bus will operate its normal route from Chevalier and Moss Vale High School including transfers from other services and will arrive at the top of the landslide area of Barrengarry Mountain at approximately 4.20pm each day to drop students off who will be once again allowed to walk back through the construction zone to meet parents at the lower section below the landslide area.
Should you have any further enquiries please don’t hesitate to contact Berrima Buslines on 4871 3211.