Transport for NSW has been working closely with NSW Health and other Government Agencies to address the challenge of coronavirus (COVID-19) and support the containment efforts. Our priority is the safety of our customers and staff and the continuity of services to provide the public with access to vital goods and services.
Visiting the Depot
To our customers we please ask if you need to contact any of our Depot Office Locations we please ask that you:-
- Do not visit our depot if you have a cold or flu like symptoms and stay home if unwell.
- Should there be a need to visit the depot you must wear a face mask and observe social distancing protocols whilst at the depot
- If you are enquiring about your child’s 2022 Bus Pass please click here.
- If you need School Bus Service information this can be found via the Student Travel Planner on your local Buslines Depot Website or you can contact the depot directly over the phone or via email.
- Regular Route Timetable information can also be found by selecting your local Buslines Depot via Our Network and then selecting Customer Info and Timetables.
On the Bus
Regular Route and School Bus Services will continue to operate as normal as determined by Transport for NSW.
Mandatory mask wearing (this includes all school students aged 13 and above) will continue on public transport across all of New South Wales until further notice.
To stay COVID Safe on public transport, remember to Wear a mask, practice good hygiene and stay home if unwell.
Buslines Group would also like to advise passengers who need to use public transport that in the interest of ongoing health of our bus drivers to:-
- observe the recommended ‘social distancing’ protocols and leave a 1.5 metre buffer zone from drivers where possible.
- tender the correct fare when boarding the bus.
Keep up-to-date with the latest COVID-19: travel advice and information at Transport for NSW (TfNSW).
Keep up-to-date with the latest NSW Government information on COVID-19